RAJA - PT. Rukun Raharja Tbk

Rp 2.700

+80 (+3,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Zeze Ajuwel Tambang (ZAT) steps in as one of the shareholders with a portion above 5% di PT Rukun Raharja Tbk (RAJA) , following yesterday’s (12/4) transaction.

In the information disclosure quoted Thursday (13/4), ZAT’s total portion has been increased by 11,231,700 shares, from the initial 204,595,900 shares or 4.84% to 215,827,600 shares or 5.11% of the total issued and paid-up capital of RAJA. The purchase price was not disclosed. However, assuming that the price is set to the closing price of RAJA on April 11, 2023, of IDR 940 per share, the total transaction value is estimated to reach IDR 10.55 billion.

Until March 2023, RAJA’s total shares clocked up to 4.22 billion, 32.62% of which was controlled by Sentosa Bersama, followed by Hapsoro of 28.51%, PT Basis Utama of 12.22%, and the public of 26.65%. (LK/ZH)