Six OJK officials passed Phase I of DK-OJK selection

JAKARTA – Six of 45 candidates of the Board of Commissioners of Financial Services Authority (lit. Dewan Komisioner Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/DK-OJK). Other candidates also came from government institutions, including the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, Bank Indonesia (BI), and the Ministry of National Development Planning.
Quoted from the official announcement today (27/4), six OJK officials that passed the selection are:
- Imansyah, Deputy of OJK Institute and the Acting Deputy Commissioner of Secretariate of DK and Logistics of OJK
- Bambang Wijoyosatrio Budiawan, Deputy Commissioner of the Supervisors of Financing Institution and Other Financial Institutions of OJK
- Hidayat Prabowo, Deputy Commissioner of Internal Audit, Risk Management, and Quality Assurance of OJK
- Anto Prabowo, Deputy Commissioner of Strategic Committee of OJK
- Tongam Lumban Tobing, Head of Financial Service Sector Investigation Department of OJK
- Agus Edy Siregar, Deputy Commissioner of Financial System Stability of OJK
Meanwhile, candidates from BI are:
- Yunita Resmi Sari, Head of MSME Development and Consumer Protection Department of BI
- Anton Daryono, Group Head of BI
- Trisno Nugroho, Head of BI Branch Office in Bali
- Causa Iman Karana, Head of BI Branch Office in South Sulawesi
- Agusman, Head of Internal Audit Department of BI
- Dwityapoetra Soeyasa Besar, Special Staff of the Board of Governors of BI
Then, candidates from the Ministry of Finance include:
- Adi Budiarso, Head of Financial Sector Policy Centre, Fiscal Policy Agency, the Ministry of Finance
- Adriyanto, Director of General Transfer Fund, Directorate-General of Fiscal Balance, the Ministry of Finance
- Bhimantara Widyajala, Director of Transfer Capacity and Implementation, Direktur Kapasitas dan Pelaksanaan Transfer, Directorate-General of Fiscal Balance, the Ministry of Finance
- Harry Z. Soeratin, Assessment Staff of Non-Tax State Income Division, Directorate-General of Budget, the Ministry of Finance
Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs also sent their candidates, consisting of:
- Gede Edy Prasetya, Assistant Deputy of Capital Market and Financial Institution of Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Iskandar Simorangkir, Special Team of the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs
Lastly, the only candidate from the Ministry of National Development Planning is Onny Novorono, Director of Financial Service and State-Owned Enterprises. (LK/ZH)