WMPP - PT. Widodo Makmur Perkasa Tbk

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JAKARTA. PT Widodo Makmur Perkasa Tbk (WMPP) has issued its first Medium Term Notes (MTN) with a principal amount of IDR 45 billion.

The debt securities have been registered at the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), under the name MTN PT Widodo Makmur Perkasa Tbk Tahun 2023 Phase I. The coupon offered for this MTN is 5% per year, while the tenor offered is 3 years.

Issuance of WMPP MTN is carried out without going through a public offering. The electronic distribution of securities will take place on May 10, 2023, while the maturity of the MTN is scheduled for May 10, 2026.

The MTN trading and book-entry unit is set at IDR 1 billion. In issuing this MTN, WMPP appointed PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk (BNGA) as monitoring agent and PT RHB Sekuritas Indonesia as managing manager.

According to idnfinancials.com data, WMPP has cash and cash equivalents of IDR 171.15 billion at the end of the 2022 financial year. Meanwhile, the company's total assets are recorded at IDR 6.07 billion and its total equity is IDR 2.09 trillion.

During today's stock trading, WMPP's share price was stagnant at the level of IDR 50 per share. In the last year, WMPP's share price fell 62.12% from IDR 82 per share. (KR/LM)