Link Net and XL Axiata join hands for FBB and FMC

JAKARTA. PT Link Net Tbk (LINK) and PT XL Axiata Tbk (EXCL) pairs up in a collaboration to enhance the penetration of Fixed Broadband (FBB) and Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) services in Indonesia within the next five years.
Said initiative will be carried out by accelerating the provision of approximately 8 million home passes for the next five years. These home passes will then be utilised by EXCL to provide FBB and FMC to all of its users.
Dian Siswarini, President Director and CEO of XL Axiata, believes that this collaboration will improve the penetration of convergence service in Indonesia. “Because in the next 5 years, we will extend the service scope to up to 8 million home passes,” Siswarini mentioned in the information disclosure.
For the record, this collaboration between LINK and EXCL is formed after considering the ever-increasing demand for FBB and FMC services in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the level of penetration of FBB and FMC services in Indonesia still lies below 15%, much lower than other countries in Southeast Asia.
Meanwhile, Marlo Budiman, President Director and CEO of Link Net, reveals that currently, the company is vigorously transforming domestic broadband business into Fiber Co. On top of this, the company is also focusing on core activities to expand its fixed line network.
“We will put more focus in minimising network provision costs, promoting swift network growth, and providing high-quality internet connection for our customers,” Budiman added. (KR/ZH)