PALM - PT Provident Investasi Bersama Tbk

Rp 288

-12 (-4,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Suwarna Arta Mandiri (SAM) has increased its share in total of IDR 127.99 billion in PT Mega Manunggal Property Tbk (MMLP). The transaction to add shares took place last week (4/5).

Jeremy Muliawan, Corporate Secretary of PT Mega Manunggal Property Tbk (MMLP) said that SAM bought 258.58 million shares at IDR 495 per share. The number of shares before the transaction was 1.25 billion or 18.18%, increasing to 1.51 billion shares or the equivalent of 21.93%.

SAM's share ownership status in MMLP indirectly. The shareholder of this issuer is a subsidiary of PT Provident Investasi Bersama Tbk (PALM).

As of April 2023, the number of shares of this issuer was recorded at 6.88 billion shares with the ownership structure namely, UOB Kay Hian, Hong Kong 14.61%, DBS Bank Ltd 13.731%, UOB Kay Hian PTE 18.181%, PT Mega Mandiri Properti 16.919%, and public 36.559%. (LK/LM)