ADHI - PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk

Rp 198

-1 (-1,00%)

JAKARTA – The realisation of new contracts of PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk (ADHI) reached IDR 10.7 trillion until May 2023, shifting 12.3% from May 2022 of IDR 9.5 trillion. In terms of funding, 26% of the new contracts are commissioned by the government, while another 20% are from State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), and 54% from other parties.

Farid Budiyanto, Corporate Secretary of Adhi Karya, claimed that this achievement adds into ADHI’s optimism in attaining new contract target of IDR 27 trillion at the end of this year. “The new contracts secured until May 2023 include Trans Sumatra Bayung Lencir Toll Road, Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Toll Road Package I, and Jakarta Sewerage System,” he said in the press release quoted Friday (9/6).

The highest contribution came from the engineering and construction business line, covering 92% of the new contracts, leaving another 5% to other business lines. The types of work that will be carried out in those new contracts are 70% roads and bridges, 13% buildings, 8% power resources, and 9% other infrastructures.

“The new contract growth is supported by various types of projects, including Nusantara Capital City development and its infrastructures, as well as building projects. (LK/ZH)