ASII - PT. Astra International Tbk

Rp 4.960

+50 (+1,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Astra Internasional Tbk (ASII) arranged an inspiring talk show with several experts in the Satu Indonesia Awards 2023 program. This program means to appreciate youth that have been inspiring communities.

In the press release quoted Thursday (15/6), Riza Deliansyah, Chief of Corporate Affairs of ASII, said that the appreciation towards youth in this Satu Indonesia Awards 2023 program could hopefully motivate younger generation to support sustainable lifestyle and inspire their surrounding communities.

In the discussion session yesterday (14/6), the guests consist of Tri Mumpuni, the founder of Inisiatif Bisnis dan Ekonomi Kerakyatan (lit. People Business and Economic Initiatives); Dian Sastrowardoyo, a public figure; Elsa Maharani, the awardee of Satu Indonesia Awards 2023, and Eddy Keleng Ate Berutu, the Head of Dairi Regency, North Sumatra.

Edy Keleng Ate Berutu expressed his wish so that Astra’s appreciation event will be held consistently to continue supporting communities.

Elsa Maharani, the awardee of the entrepreneurship sector, believes many potentials within communities could be collaborated into a social entrepreneur initiative. Through her fashion business, Elsa has employed 54 working housewives and disable people in Padang, West Sumatra. (LK/ZH)