MSIE - PT. Multisarana Intan Eduka Tbk

Rp 18

+1 (+6,00%)

JAKARTA. PT Multisarana Intan Eduka Tbk (MSIE), a real estate company, will hold its initial public offering (IPO) of 417.3 million shares in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

The number of shares issued will be equal to 27.50% of MSIE’s total issued and paid-up capital post-IPO. Each share has a face value of IDR 10 and will be offered for a price rangin between IDR 100 and IDR 110 per share.

Assuming that the company proceeds with the highest price of IDR 110 per share, MSIE may end up with IDR 45.9 billion of fresh funds at the end of this corporate action.

The book building of MSIE’s shares will last until July 24, 2023, followed by the main public offering that is projected to take place from August 1 to 7, 2023. The listing on IDX is scheduled on August 9, 2023.

MSIE has assigned PT MNC Sekuritas as the lead underwriter and the underwriter for this IPO. (KR/ZH)