JAKARTA – Responding to the increasingly active crypto industry in Indonesia, the government, through the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (lit. Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi/Bappebti) inaugurates the domestic crypto-asset future exchange under PT Bursa Komoditi Nusantara or Commodity Future Exchange (CFX).

CFX is formed with the purpose of creating a fair, proper, and transparent crypto-asset trading environment in Indonesia. Furthermore, the existence of this official crypto exchange will guarantee the legality of this industry for business players, thus providing security and access for potential crypto-asset investors.

Despite its popularity in the international and domestic scene, the crypto industry is still tainted with various misperceptions within the public. This challenge will drive the synergy between CFX and other key stakeholders to improve financial literacy, especially for crypto products, within the Indonesian masses.

On top of the launching of CFX under the Decree of the Head of Bappebti No.01/BAPPEBTI/SP-BBAK/07/2023 dated July 17, 2023, regarding the Approval for Crypto-Asset Future Exchange to PT Bursa Komoditi Nusantara or Commodity Future Exchange (CFX), Bappebti also launches PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia and PT Tennet Depository Indonesia as the clearing and crypto-asset custodian agencies, which will support the crypto industry ecosystem in Indonesia.

During the opening of the CFX Inauguration today (28/7), Subani, President Director of CFX, revealed that as of today, there have been 23 crypto-asset traders that submit their registrations to CFX, including Ajaib and Tokocrypto. (ZH)