MTMH - PT. Murni Sadar Tbk

Rp 920

+15 (+2,00%)

JAKARTA. PT Murni Sadar Tbk (MTMH), the managing company of Murni Teguh Hospital network, has granted capital to one of its subsidiaries, PT Horas Insani Abadi (HIA).

Aremen Chandra, Corporate Secretary of MTMH, said that this capital injection is granted in order to raise the paid-up capital of the company from IDR 19.81 billion to IDR 49.43 billion. “The issued and paid-up capital increase has been taken over by the company for IDR 29.53 billion,” he said in the official statement.

The extra capital will then be allocated to operational needs of HIA, reducing financial expenses, as well as building renovation and acquiring medical supporting devices for Horas Insani. “The capital increase of this subsidiary has no significant effect to the company’s financial condition,” Chandra said.

Chanda further mentioned that the extra capital was taken out of the company’s internal cash.

HIA is a subsidiary acquired by MTMH on January 28, 2023. For this acquisition, the company spent IDR 25.75 billion. Then, as of now, the company claims 73.84% of HIA. (KR/ZH)