ASII name Muliaman Hadad as Independent Commissioner

JAKARTA - Muliawan Darmansyah Hadad, a former Head of Board of Commissioners of Financial Services Authority (OJK), is named as Independent Commissioner of PT Astra International Tbk (ASII) in today’s (14/8) Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS).
As quoted in the press release, Boy Kelana Soebroto, Head of Corporate Communications of ASII, said that Hadad will be assigned the position of Independent Commissioner from the end of today’s EGMS until the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of 2026. “Except for Mr. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, his term will end on 2024 AGMS,” he said.
Other newly-named commissioners include Prijono Sugiarto, as President Commissioner, Sri Indrastuti Hadiputranto and Apinont Suchewaboripont as Independent Commissioners, as well as Anthony John Liddell Nightingale, Benjamin William Keswick, John Raymon Witt, Stephen Patrick Gore, and Benjamin-Herrenden Birks, as Commissioners.
Hadad has a lengthy engagement record in the financial industry in Indonesia. Prior to Head of Board of Commissioners of OJK, he used to take office as Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia. After its term in OJK, Muliaman is assigned as Indonesia’s Ambassador to Swiss. (LK/ZH)