INKP will target IDR 3.43 trillion in fresh funds through bond and sukuk issuance

JAKARTA. PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk (INKP), a pulp and paper company owned by the Sinarmas Group, will issue bonds in the form of bonds and mudharabah bonds with a total principal amount of IDR 3.43 trillion.
The details consist of bonds with a total issuance value of IDR 2.27 trillion which will be offered in 3 series, as well as mudharabah bonds with a total issuance value of IDR 1.15 trillion, which will be offered in 3 series. The listing of the two debt securities is scheduled for August 28, 2023.
Kurniawan Yuwono, Director of INKP, said that the bonds are offered with coupons ranging from 6.50% per year to 10.75% per year. Meanwhile, the ratio or yield on mudharabah bonds is offered at 20.58% to 34.04% of the income generated.
The proceeds from the issuance of the INKP bonds will be allocated for debt payments and working capital. Meanwhile, all proceeds from the issuance of mudharabah bonds will be used for the company's working capital.
A number of parties appointed by INKP as underwriters for the bonds and sukuk mudharabah, namely PT Aldiracita Sekuritas, PT BCA Sekuritas, PT BNI Sekuritas, PT Indo Premier Sekuritas, PT Mandiri Sekuritas, PT Mega Capital Sekuritas, PT Sucor Sekuritas, and PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (TRIMS). (KR/LM)