SFAN - PT. Surya Fajar Capital Tbk

Rp 1.855

+5 (+0,27%)

JAKARTA. PT Surya Fajar Capital Tbk (SFAN), a holding and investment issuer, has provided additional capital for one of its subsidiaries, namely PT Surya Fajar Urun Dana (SFUND).

The capital injection provided by SFAN to SFUN was IDR 4.63 billion. This is given in order to maintain the company's percentage ownership in SFUND.

With additional capital injection from SFAN and a number of other shareholders, SFUND's total issued and paid-up capital increased to IDR 15 billion. Previously, SFUND's issued and paid-up capital was only IDR 10 billion.

The composition of SFAN's share ownership in SFUND remains at 92.50%. Then Darius Sutanto's share ownership portion is 5% and Hary Herdiyanto's 2.50%.

"There is no material impact on the company's operational activities, financial condition and business continuity," said Ivo Rustandi, President Director of SFAN, in an official statement.

According to idnfinancials.com data, SFAN had cash and cash equivalents of IDR 76.84 billion as of March 31 2023. The company's total assets were recorded at IDR 355.27 billion, and its total equity was IDR 221.03 billion. (KR/LM)