PADA - PT Personel Alih Daya Tbk

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JAKARTA - PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA) and PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) are applying Enchance Oil Recovery (EOR) reservoir vibration stimulation technology for oil and gas production of 1 million barrels per day in 2030.

In a press release quoted on Monday (25/9), Ratih Esti Prihatin, Director of Business Development at Elnusa, said that the collaboration on the use of EOR reservoir stimulation technology was signed last weekend (20/9). "Elnusa has the competence and capability to do this work," she said.

This technology will be applied to the Rokan Work Area (WK), Riau. This technology is used to increase oil production with a mechanism that uses elastic waves as a tool to move reservoir rock particles. In this way, it is hoped that the fluid in the rock pores will also move and the oil trapped in the rock pores in the form of droplets can move to the wellbore.

According to her, Elnusa has a DNA of resilience and innovation that is able to strengthen business fundamentals and has a vision as a leading energy services company. "We are confident that Elnusa's technology is able to support the Indonesian government's program in setting targets to accelerate the realization of the target of 1 million barrels of oil and 12 BSCFD of gas for future national energy security," she said.

On the other hand, Edwil Suzandi, EVP Upstream Business WK Rokan said that this collaboration mechanism has gone through a technical review and is in accordance with company needs, commercial and compliance reviews. "So that PT PHR can make a significant contribution even greater in national production," he said. (LK/LM)