LOPI - PT. Logisticsplus International Tbk

Rp 42

+3 (+8,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Logisticsplus International Tbk (LOPI) will purchase extra eight trucks, adding them to its fleet, in order to optimise its services to customers. Total investment set for this plan is IDR 9.3 billion.

Based on short prospectus quoted Friday (13/10), some of those trucks are acquired from Isuzu dealers, unaffiliated to the company. The trucks to be acquired consist of two units of four types, which are Isuzu Elf type NMR L with Wingbox, Isuzu Giga type FVU with Wingbox, Isuzu Giga type Tractor Head GXZ ABS with 40ft chassis, and Isuzu Giga type FVZ U HP 6x4 20ft chassis.

The purchase of these trucks will take up the proceeds of its initial public offering (IPO) of 300 million shares of IDR 25 each that took place earlier this month (3-9/10). The offering price was set to IDR 100 per share, thus resulting in total proceeds of IDR 30 billion.

In addition to this fleet enhancement, the management of LOPI will allocate the proceeds to working capital, amounting to 60% of them, as well as Cargo Wise software using the remaining 40%.

The authorised capital was recorded at IDR 80 billion, while its issued and paid-up capital is IDR 20 billion. The stock in its portfolio is IDR 60 billion. Wahyu Dwi Jatmiko initially owned 53.87% of them, followed by PT Logisticplus Multimoda Indonesia (LMI) of 38%, Hening Tjiptadi of 5%, and Moch Taufik of 3.13%.

After this corporate action, the authorised capital clocked up to IDR 27.5 billion, 39.18% of which is controlled by Wahyu Dwi Jatmiko, followed by LMI of 27.64%, Hening Tjiptadi of 3.64%, Moch Taufik of 2.27%, and the public of 27.27%. (LK/ZH)