JAKARTA - PT Ratu Prabu Energi Tbk (ARTI) fails to gain approval from shareholders regarding two main agendas in its Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS). On the other hand, the issuer also suffered from capital decifiency of IDR 1.92 trillion.
Quoted from the minutes of meeting of EGMS today (20/10), EGMS were attended only by shareholders representing 2.69 billion shares or 34.42% of the entire shares issued by the company. With attendance percentage less than 50%, EGMS is stated unable to meet the quorum to make decisions regarding two agendas, which are approval of Financial Report of 2022 and Public Accountant for Fiscal Year 2023.
The EGMS was held yesterday (19/10) at Ratu Prabu Building, TB Simatupang Street, Cilandak, Jakarta at 11.30-11.32 AM WIB. Prior to this, the agenda, as well as the schedule of EGMS, had been announced through Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and Indonesia Central Securities Depository (KSEI) website on September 15 and 27.
As of August 31, 2023, its shares were recorded at 7.84 billion. Shareholder structure consists of PT Ratu Prabu (RP) of 33.058%, DP Bukit Asam of 9.375%, the public of 55.73%, B Bur Maras of 0.29%, and Pradnanda A. Ronoamiseno of 1.54%.
In 2022, the issuer recorded revenue of IDR 73.30 billion, shifting from IDR 6.01 billion seen in the same period in 2021. Current year’s loss thankfully improved from IDR 135.18 billion to IDR 57.75 billion. (LK/ZH)