ADMF - PT. Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk

Rp 9.025

+25 (+0,83%)

JAKARTA. PT Adira Dinamika Multifinance Tbk (ADMF), a financing company under PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (BDMN), will issue bonds and sukuk of IDR 1.55 trillion.

These bonds and sukuk are parts of Public Offering of Shelf-Registration Bonds VI and Shelf-Registration Sukuk Mudharabah V of ADMF, with a total target to raise of IDR 9 trillion and IDR 1 trillion each.

For this upcoming bonds and sukuk issuance, Shelf-Registration Bonds VI Phase III of ADMF has a principal of IDR 1.25 trillion, while Shelf-Registration Sukuk Mudharabah V of ADMF has a principal of IDR 300 billion.

The coupons attached to the bonds range from 6.15% to 6.55% per annum. Meanwhile, the profit-sharing yields for sukuk mudharabah range from 6.15% to 6.55% (equivalent).

Based on issued prospectus, the public offering of bonds and sukuk of ADMF will take place on November 2-3, 2023, followed by the listing on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on November 9, 2023. (KR/ZH)