BIRD scored IDR 368.32 billion

JAKARTA – The profit of PT Blue Bird Tbk (BIRD) grew 39.43% year-on-year (yoy) to IDR 368.32 billion in Q3 2023 from IDR 264.15 billion seen in Q3 2022. Said achievement aligns with revenue surge, particularly seen in taxi segment.
In the Financial Report of Q3 2023 published today (27/10), Andrianto Djokosoetomo, President Director of Blue Bird, confirmed that the revenue was IDR 3.22 trillion, shifting from 28.74% yoy from IDR 2.50 trillion. The gross and operating profit reached IDR 1.02 trillion and IDR 426.01 billion. In Q3 2022, gross and operating profit were stuck at IDR 737.31 billion and IDR 287.13 billion.
The contribution from taxi segment was IDR 2.43 trillion, shifting from IDR 1.97 trillion, while vehicle rental grew from IDR 562.19 billion to IDR 811.03 billion. Then, auction commission also increased from IDR 14.35 billion to IDR 24.67 billion, followed by building rental that grew from IDR 2.49 billion to IDR 2.54 billion, the additional costs that shifted from IDR 1.54 billion to IDR 2.26 billion, and other segment that generated IDR 13.83 billion from nil.
BIRD’s performance in Q3 2023 surpassed the one in Q3 2019 prior to COVID-19 pandemic. In Q3 2020 and 2021, the issuer recorded losses of IDR 156.01 billion and IDR 66.19 billion. (LK/ZH)