SIDO - PT. Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk

Rp 555

-35 (-6,00%)

NUSA DUA. CEO of PT Industri Farmasi dan Jamu Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO), David Hidayat, is named as the Best CEO in Herbal Pharmaceuticals by national media and IDNFinancials. The event was held last Friday, December 1, 2023, at Sofitel Nusa Dua Beach Resort, Bali.

David Hidayat is awarded the title, thanks to his massive role behind the success of Sido Muncul in overcoming pandemic crisis. Amidst said global crisis, he initiated various strategies so that Sido Muncul’s products become a highly sought-after item in the market. The product becomes the top-of-mind brand, making the demand for Sido Muncul product soaring high, as it is required during the pandemic to enhance immunity.

David Hidayat also successfully pushed his company for the past five years to score double digit CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate), especially among companies in pharmaceutical sector.

For this TOP CEO Awards 2023, 43 publicly listed companies are granted the Best CEO titles in various categories, including agriculture, banking, automotive, building material product, coal mining and resources, diversified metal and minerals, construction machinery and heavy equipment, data centre and IT services, and others.

TOP CEO Awards 2023 is the second collaboration initiated by and IDNFinancials, following last June when they launched Indeks52, which consist of 96 public issuers that are split into 4 criteria: Main Index, High Growth, High Dividend, dan Big Capitalization Market. (AM/ZH)