DCII - PT. DCI Indonesia Tbk

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JAKARTA - Otto Toto Sugiri, President Director of PT Data Center International Indonesia Tbk (DCII) received an award as The Best CEO In Data Center And Its Services from Tempo.co and IDNFinancials.com last weekend at the Sofitel Nusa Dua Resort, Bali.

Otto Toto Sugiri, who is often called Mr. Toto, is one of the 50 richest people in Indonesia according to Forbes who was selected in 2021. Toto is also very well known in the tech world because he has been involved in this field for four decades, since he completed his education at RWTH Aachen University, Germany in 1980. Toto received the nickname 'Indonesia's Bill Gates' because he was a data center pioneer who played an important role in growing the digital economy in Indonesia

The President Director of PT DCI Indonesia Tbk (DCII), who is also the founder, has had a long journey to start his career in the technology sector. Starting from local programming projects, developing IT systems in banking to building the Sigma Cipta Caraka Company, a software company.Toto and Sigma Cipta Caraka have benefited from the emergence of the Pakto policy from the government which makes banking licensing easier.

In 2011, when the Government was trying to strengthen state data, Toto saw the opportunity. Toto also launched DCI Indonesia and in 2014 completed it with Tier IV certification, the highest classification of the global data center industry in 2014. Toto completed this certificate to attract the biggest and best clients. With all the efforts made, DCII is now the leading data center provider company in Indonesia.

DCII now has clients of more than 40 telecommunications companies and more than 120 financial service providers throughout Indonesia, Southeast Asia and the US. DCII was listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) on January 6, 2021. DCII listed 2,383,745,900 shares at a price of IDR 420 per share, and now the DCII share price has reached IDR 44,050 per share. So the total market capitalization value reached IDR 107,209 trillion. The capitalization value is ranked 15th out of 903 listed companies. From the composition of shareholders in DCII, Toto owns 29.90%.

The performance of DCII shares on the stock exchange is a reflection of the Company's continuing growth performance. In 2021, DCII's revenue was still at IDR 871.24 billion, continuing to increase in 2022 to reach IDR 1.04 trillion and by the third quarter of 2023, revenue has reached IDR 958.14 billion, an increase compared to the same period in 2022 which was only IDR 747.09 billion. Net profit also grows along with revenue. In 2021, net profit posted was IDR 261.45 billion, increasing to IDR 367.84 billion and in the third quarter of 2023 it reached IDR 370.43 billion.

Apart from continuously growing performance, PT DCI Indonesia Tbk. (DCII) as a leading data center & colocation infrastructure provider company in Indonesia also stated its commitment to implementing sustainable business activities. This commitment is stated in the Company's vision, namely to create a digital infrastructure ecosystem that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. Therefore, in 2022, sustainability became the main goal because the Company realizes that the growth of digitalization has a major impact on the environment and society.

As a form of commitment to implementing the Sustainable program, the Company has carried out several initiatives in an effort to increase the Company's operational efficiency, including Adopting Automation to increase the efficiency of energy use in data centers which contributes to Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and minimizes carbon emissions. The company has also started the first stage of adopting renewable energy by installing solar panels to meet energy needs at the DCI Platform H2 Karawang data center complex.

As a pioneer in the Indonesian data center sector and with a number of steps taken to achieve sustainable growth, it’s no surprise that Otto Toto Sugiri received the award as The Best CEO In Data Center And Its Services from Tempo.co and IDNFinancials.com. Because Otto Toto Sugiri is the figure behind the achievements and success in leading the company in the financial aspect and impact on the environment (social impact).

This appreciation is given through a number of stages of data collection and research, including financial and company sustainability reports, as well as face-to-face or virtual interviews with CEOs and through written answers.

The awarding was also filled with a talk show with the theme: Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045, and presenting as speakers 4 CEOs from large and well-known companies, namely President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk Irfan Setiaputra; President Director of PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk David Hidayat; President Director of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Christian Kartawijaya and President Director of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk Nicolas D Kanter. (AM/LM)