BYAN - PT. Bayan Resources Tbk

Rp 19.275

+100 (+0,52%)

JAKARTA. PT Bayan Resources Tbk (BYAN) has signed a bank facility agreement with PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) with total value of USD 210 million. 

Jenny Quantero, Director of BYAN, said that there are 4 types of banking facilities secured from BBCA. They consist of multi credit facility of USD 75 million, revolving time loan of USD 50 million, standby L/C of USD 75 million, and forex forward line of USD 10 million.

"The facility has a tenor of 36 months, starting from the signing of the banking facaility agreement," Quatero mentioned in the official disclosure.

Quantero said that this facility will be guaranteed by a corporate guarantee granted by PT Bara Tabang, a subsidiary of BYAN. The banking facility will then be utilised to fund operations of the company and its subsidiaries. (KR/ZH)