META - PT. Nusantara Infrastucture Tbk

Rp 238

0 (0%)

JAKARTA. Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk (META) on December 19, 2023, agreed upon the plan to change the company’s status from a public company to a private company, and will soon set up a tender offer of IDR 250 per share.

Head of Corporate Communication & CSR of META, Indah DP Pertiwi, mentioned that the tender offer price is 34% higher than the average highest price of transaction in the stock exchange recorded in the past 90 days. The tender offer price has been set according to the Article 76 POJK No.3/2021, which stated that the tender offer price should be at least higher from IDR 187 per share, which is the average of highest price for the past 90 days.

“Shareholders who agree and wish to divest their portion may proceed to the next step of the tender with the offered price,” Pertiwi further explained in the official disclosure today (20/12).

In the information disclosure regarding its go-private plan, META’s controlling shareholder, PT Metro Pacific Tollways Indonesia (MPTIS) is said to acquire 4.49 billion shares or 25.35% of shares cumulatively owned by PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance and the public. (AM/ZH)