GSMF - PT. Equity Development Investment Tbk

Rp 54

-4 (-7,00%)

JAKARTA. PT Equity Development Investment Tbk (GSMF) has channelled extra capital to PT Equity Sekuritas Indonesia (ESI) of IDR 25 billion.

This capital injection will be used by ESI to form a new business entity called PT Equity Aset Manajemen (EAM). EAM will then be the recipient of the transfer of business activities from ESI.

However, the business activities carried out by EAM will transform into investment management. “It involves security management for users or collective investment portfolio for a group of users according to applicable regulation,” said the management of GSMF in the official disclosure today.

ESI’s portion in EAM is 99.99%, while the remaining 0.01% belongs to GSMF.

“Therefore, EAM’s financial report will be fully consolidated to ESI and in the company’s financial report,” added the management of GSMF. (KR/ZH)