Indonesia issues 3 series of global bonds worth US$2.05 billion

JAKARTA. The Indonesian government has issued Government Debt Securities (SUN) in foreign currency denominated in United States (US) dollars amounting to US$ 2.05 billion in SEC-Registered format.
This transaction is the first sovereign bond issuance in Asia in 2024. In addition, this is the 17th Indonesian Government transaction for sovereign bonds in SEC-Registered format denominated in US dollars.
The details of the global bonds issued consist of RI0329, RI0234, and RI0254. The tenors offered for the three series range from 5 years to 30 years. Meanwhile, the yield offered starts from 4.65% to 5.20%.
These three series received quite high interest from global investors, with a total orderbook reaching US$8 billion, according to information from the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance. "With a fairly solid orderbook, the Government can reduce the rate of return for all tenors offered to investors," wrote DJPPR in its official statement.
The proceeds from the global bond issuance will be used to finance the 2024 APBN. These three global bond series have also received Baa2 ratings from Moody's, BBB from S&P, and BBB from Fitch Ratings. (KR/LM)