Panorama Sentrawisata (PANR) and Panca Mitra (PMMP) investors' stakes decrease in the absence of the rights issue

JAKARTA - On Thursday, January 11, three investors in the tourism services company PT Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk (PANR) who did not exercise their rights in the rights issue had their ownership percentage decrease. It started with PT Panorama Tirta Anugerah, which now only owns 47.46%, followed by Satrijanto Tirtawisata, who owns 7.25%, and Ramajanto Tirtawisata, who owns 5.60%. PANR issued 187.50 million shares during this corporate action.
In addition, PT Panca Mitra Multiperdana Tbk (PMMP), a firm in the processed food industry, conducted a rights issue by issuing 784 million shares. PT Tiga Makin Jaya was one of four investors who did not participate in the PMMP rights issue, resulting in a decline in share ownership to 39.09%. Aside from that, shares owned by individual investor Soesilo Soebardjo fell to 22.41%, followed by a decrease in Martinus Soesilo's share percentage, which was 7.73%. The last investor to reduce their shareholding percentage was PT Harapan Bangsa Kita, which went from 8% to 7.27%.
Several investors on the market hint list also got involved in the share purchase and sales. Starting with PT Esta Utama Corpora, which bought 111.03 million shares of PT Esta Multi Usaha Tbk (ESTA), a property company. Meanwhile, GOTO Peopleverse Fund sold 182.05 million shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) and was closed by Elvi Felicia, who sold 1.76 million shares of power plant operator PT Leyand International Tbk (LAPD). (KD)
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