PTRO - PT. Petrosea Tbk

Rp 3.360

-280 (-7,69%)

JAKARTA - PT Caraka Reksa Optima (CRO), controller of PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO) will release 34% of its shares to PT Kreasi Jasa Persada (KJP), a company controlled by PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (CUAN), which is owned by Prajogo Pangestu.

As of December 2023, PTRO listed more than 1 billion shares with the owner structure including, CRO 68.903%, PT Sentosa Bersama Mitra (SBM) 18.853%, public (scripless and scrip) 10.5%, and treasury shares 1.68%

In line with this, Michael, President Director of PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (CUAN) said that the company would ask for shareholder approval for the plan to buy 342.92 million CRO shares in PTRO. "This amount is around 34% of PTRO's issued and fully paid-up capital," he said in an information disclosure quoted Monday (22/1).

At the EGMS which will take place on (12/2), management will also ask for shareholder approval for changes to the composition of the company's management. The purchase value of the shares is around IDR 940 billion.

Currently, Prajogo Pangestu owns 85.076% of CUAN shares which are recorded at 1.67 billion, Michael 0.0006%, Erwin Ciputra 0.007%, and the public 14.91%. (LK/LM)