JCI stays sluggish throughout the day

JAKARTA - This weekend (26/1), the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) weakened into the red zone until the closing of transactions at 16.00 West Indonesia Time (WIB). The index appears to have fallen since the morning trading session, continuing the weakening of the index at the close of transactions, yesterday (25/1).
Monitored data from the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI), the index at the closing bell stopped at level 7,137.09. This index's downward trend occurred since the opening of the trading session at 09.00 WIB at the level of 7,158.45. Throughout the morning and afternoon trading sessions, the index looked stable in the red zone.
Yesterday, JCI closed at 7,178.04, lower than the previous day's closing (24/1) at 7,227.82. However, the index touched a high of 7,253.72 before the close of trading in the morning session.
A number of other indices were also corrected in the red zone following the JCI, including LQ45 951,492 or down 0.87%, IDX LQ45 LCL 133,085 or down 0.88%, IDX30 482,827 or negative 0.81%, and IDX80 129,764 or corrected 0.80%. (LK/LM)