JAKARTA. PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo Insurance) became the risk management partner of Telkomsat's Merah Putih 2 Satellite, a subsidiary of PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (TLKM).

Jasindo provides protection against risks that can be divided into two main categories, namely launch risk and risk during In-Orbit. The Merah Putih 2 satellite itself was launched on February 20, 2024 Florida time or February 21, 2024 Indonesian time. The Telkomsat satellite will occupy an orbital slot of 113 degrees East Longitude (113 BT).

"Launch risk is a risk that can arise from the time the engine starts until the satellite separates from the final stage of the launch vehicle, or can also continue until the completion of the testing phase in orbit," said Andy Samuel, President Director of Jasindo, Wednesday (21/2/2024).

While the risk when In-Orbit, is the risk of physical damage to the satellite while in orbit or during orbital placement. Risks can be caused by objects around the satellite, extreme temperatures and radiation.

He added that the risks guaranteed by the company include total loss which includes total loss or damage, constructive total loss which includes losses above 75% of the guaranteed value, and partial loss with partial damage guarantee.

In addition to coverage for launch and in-orbit risks, Jasindo also has two other important guarantees, namely first, pre-launch insurance, which guarantees loss or damage to the satellite or its components since leaving the factory location, while traveling to the launch site, through testing, fueling, and integrated with the launcher until the launcher's rocket engine is lit for launch.

And the second is liability insurance, which is liability insurance that is often a mandatory requirement of the government where the satellite launch site is carried out regardless of the satellite owner's country.

Jasindo has long experience and a strong reputation and experience in the aviation and satellite industry. This demonstrates their professionalism and capabilities in this field.

"Since 1976, Jasindo has been protecting satellites in Indonesia, starting from the launch of the Palapa A1 Satellite to the latest launch of the Merah Putih 2 Satellite. Until 2024, with the launch of the Merah Putih 2 Satellite, Jasindo has provided insurance protection to dozens of satellite missions in Indonesia," he explained.

Asuransi Jasindo is a general insurance company with ownership of 1 share of bi-color series A shares owned by the Republic of Indonesia and 424,999 shares of Series B shares owned by PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (Persero) aka Indonesia Financial Group (IFG). (PP/LM)