INET - PT. Sinergi Inti Andalan Prima Tbk

Rp 98

-3 (-3,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Trukindo Persada Sejahtera acquired 208.98 million shares of cosmetics and home equipment manufacturer PT Estee Gold Feet Tbk (EURO) and 108.91 million shares of sector consulting services issuer mining and energy PT Sumber Energi Andalan Tbk (ITMA) on Wednesday, February 28. This made PT Trukindo Persada Sejahtera a new investor in these two issuers. It currently holds 8.2% of EURO  through purchases conducted by PT Lotus Andalan Sekuritas and PT KB Valbury Sekuritas. In addition, this investor bought shares through five different securities firms, giving him control over 10.9% of ITMA.

Additionally, PT Abadi Kreasi Unggul Nusantara, INET's majority shareholder, gained an additional 47 million shares, increasing its ownership of the information technology company PT Sinergi Inti Andalan Prima Tbk (INET) from 80.41% to 81.03%. Subsequently, 1.40 million shares of private hospital operator PT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan Tbk (SAME) were purchased by its controller, PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk; however, this addition was not substantial enough to be recorded as a change in ownership percentage. Then, a foreign investor named Barokah Melayu Foods Pte Ltd also bought up to 29 million shares in the restaurant chain management company, PT Champ Resto Indonesia Tbk (ENAK).

Meanwhile, PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (APEX), which provides onshore and offshore drilling services to the mining industry, saw the sale of 21.91 million shares by PT Daaz Bara Lestari. Citibank Singapore S/A Government of Singapore persisted in selling 4.36 million shares of the telecommunications infrastructure provider PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk (MTEL). GOTO Peopleverse Fund then followed suit by selling 3.89 million shares of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), a technology company. Two individual investors were then decreasing their ownership stakes: Sendra Gunawan sold 2 million shares of PT Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk (AHAP), an insurance company, and Faadhil Irshad Nasution sold 87 thousand shares of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), a manufacturer of cosmetics and herbal medicines. (KD)

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