BRIS - PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk

Rp 3.070

+40 (+1,32%)

JAKARTA - PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BRIS) bagged profit of IDR 5.70 trillion in 2023, 33.88% year-on-year (yoy) higher from 2022 profit of IDR 4.26 trillion. It was made possible by increases in revenue and operating profit of 34.42% yoy.

Based on 2023 Financial Report quoted Thursday (14/3), the income from fund management as mudharib was IDR 22.25 trillion, up from IDR 19.62 trillion seen in the same period in 2022. Said income came from sales of IDR 12.62 trillion, profit sharing of IDR 5.94 trillion, ijarah of IDR 155 billion, and other income of IDR 3.52 trillion.

The bank’s share in profit was reported at IDR 16.25 trillion, increasing from IDR 15.59 trillion in 2022. Then, other operating income clocked up to IDR 4.20 trillion, up from IDR 3.70 trillion. Therefore, its net income reached IDR 20.46 trillion, 6.07% yoy higher than IDR 19.29 trillion in 2022.

The income from operation reportedly hit IDR 7.59 trillion, experiencing an upturn from IDR 5.64 trillion seen in 2022. (LK/ZH)