NCKL - PT. Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk

Rp 725

-5 (-1,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (NCKL) offers 9.09% of its shares to potential investors via private placement. The potential investors are under selection process, which will then be decided during Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders tomorrow (15/3).

In the information disclosure quoted Thursday (14/3), the management of NCKL said that it had secured several potential investors for this private placement plan, in which the company will issue a maximum of 6.30 billion shares of its total issued and paid-up capital. “The future investing party is not affiliated with the company,” added the management of NCKL in a written statement.

As of now, its authorised capital is recorded at IDR 22.04 trillion, while its issued and paid-up capital reaches IDR 6.30 trillion, and the stock in portfolio clocks up to IDR 15.73 trillion. The shareholders consist of PT Harita Jayaraya (HJ) of 86.48%, PT Citra Duta Jaya Makmur (CDJM) of 0.87%, and the public of 12.65%.

In the future, the issued and paid-up capital of NCKL rises to IDR 6.94 trillion, while the stock in portfolio shrank to IDR 15.09 trillion. The shareholder structure will then change into HJ of 78.62%, CDJM of 0.79%, the public of 11.5%, and potential investors of 9.09%.

The proceeds of this corporate action will then be used to acquire other mining companies, thus increasing nickel ore volume and performance in 2024. Currently, the company has yet to have claim over other mining companies.

As of September 2023, NCKL’s total assets were spotted at IDR 45.08 trillion. Its liabilities were IDR 17.91 trillion, while its total equity reached IDR 27.17 trillion. The revenue in Q3 2023 was IDR 17.29 trillion, followed by its gross profit of IDR 6.13 trillion, current year’s profit of IDR 5.66 trillion, and net profit of IDR 4.46 trillion. (LK/ZH)