Federal Finance to offer Bond of IDR 2 trillion

JAKARTA - PT Federal International Finance/FIF Group eyes extra working capital through the issuance of Bond Phase III Year 2024 worth IDR 2 trillion to expand its vehicle financing distribution. The bond offering will take place in two weeks, starting from March 25 to 27.
In the information disclosure quoted Thursday (14/3), it is said that the bond will be issued without script (scripless), with two tenors, 370 days and 36 months, in two series. Series A is offered for IDR 1.10 trillion with a fixed interest rate of 6.40% per annum (p.a.), while series B is worth IDR 890.56 billion with an interest rate of 6.55% p.a. for three years.
The bond is guaranteed with full commitment, with underwriters and their portions consisting of PT BCA Sekuritas of 13.55%, PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas of 15.45%, PT CIMB Niaga Sekuritas of 14.80%, PT Indo Premier Sekuritas of 14.80%, PT Indo Premier Sekuritas of 22.77%, PT Mandiri Sekuritas of 15.65%, and PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (TRIM) of 17.78%.
In 2023, FIF Group managed to score revenue of IDR 10.41 trillion, up 16.21% year-on-year (yoy) from IDR 8.96 trillion in 2022. Its net profit reached IDR 4.10 trillion, soaring 29.43% yoy from IDR 3.17 trillion.
Its return-on-asset (ROA) was recorded at 13.46%, followed by return-on-equity (ROE) of 36.38%, debt-to-asset ratio (DAR) of 0.68, and non-performing financing (NPF) of 0.98%. (LK/ZH)