TDPM - PT. Tianrong Chemicals Industry Tbk

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JAKARTA - PT Tridomain Performance Materials Tbk (TDPM) has secured a loan of USD 3.75 million or equal to IDR 58.27 billion from PT Prima Lintas Jaya Mandala (PLJM). Said loan will be used as working capital, as well as payment for Medium Term Notes and Bond.

In the information disclosure quoted Thursday (21/3), Anton Hartono, President Director of TDPM, mentioned that the facility is worth 25.33% of TDPM’s total equity in September 2023 of USD 14.81 million. This transaction is categorised as a material transaction as the value exceeds 20% of equity, but less than 50%, thus not prompting approval from shareholders.

As of now, TDPM’s authorised capital was recorded at IDR 3.47 trillion, while issued and paid-up capital was IDR 1.04 trillion. Shareholders consist of DH Corpora of 72.51% and the public of 27.49%. The stock in portfolio is worth IDR 2.42 trillion.

Meanwhile, PLJM’s shareholders consist of Cornish Finance Holding Inc of 272.25 million shares or 99% and Riman of 2.7 million shares or 1% of total 275 million.

As of September 2023, this issuer booked total MTN of IDR 59.83 billion, consisting of MTN 1 of IDR 19 billion, MTN 2 of IDR 25.08 billion, and MTN 3 of IDR 15.29 billion. Meanwhile, outstanding bonds clocked up to IDR 30.59 billion, comprising Bond I of IDR 6.11 billion and Bond II of IDR 24.47 billion. (LK/ZH)