PANI - PT. Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua Tbk

Rp 11.525

-100 (-3,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Pantai Indah Kapuk Dua Tbk (PANI) will invest IDR 40 trillion for the development of Pantai Indak Kapuk Dua (PIK 2), which begins this year until 2060. PIK 2 is a property area of 17.55 hectares (Ha) that is declared a National Strategic Project (NSP) by the government.

In the press release quoted Tuesday (26/3), Christy Grassela, Corporate Secretary of PANI, mentioned that the total investment for PIK 2 will be facilitated by private sector, and is projected not to use any State Budget and Regional Government Budget.

The scope of NSP of PIK 2 that has been reviewed includes eco-park Bhinneka Park, a natural tourism spot accessible for public, a golf court with standard 27 holes, mangrove tourism, international circuit, as well as resort for ecotourism segment.

As is known, PIK 2 is a joint effort between Agung Sedayu Group and Salim Group. This project extends the success of PIK 1 and reclamation of Gold Island and Ebony Island, with total development area of 1,600 Ha.

PIK 2 is projected to absorb over 30,000 workers, as well as extra domestic and international tourist visits of 10 million visitors a year. It will also attract foreign investors, thus increasing tax income for central and local government. (LK/ZH)