Bids in SUN auction hit IDR 32.33 trillion

JAKARTA. The total incoming bids in the auction of Government Securities (lit. Surat Utang Negara/SUN) last Tuesday (26/3) arrived at IDR 32.33 trillion.
There were 7 series of SUN offered in said auction, as stated by the Directorate-General of Budget Financing and Risk Management of the Ministry of Finance. They consist of 2 Government Treasury Notes (lit. Surat Perbendaharaan Negara/SPN) and 5 FR series of Government Bonds (lit. Obligasi Negara/ON).
The highest incoming bids were recorded for FR101, scoring IDR 8.36 trillion. Meanwhile, SPN12240628 booked the lowest bids, only scoring IDR 2.29 trillion.
With all these incoming bids, the total awarded amount by the Indonesian government reaches IDR 22.6 trillion.
Since the beginning of this year, the Indonesian government had conducted 6 SUN auctions. The total awarded amount from all those six now arrives at IDR 140.35 trillion. (KR/ZH)