BSML - PT. Bintang Samudera Mandiri Lines Tbk

Rp 122

-5 (-3,94%)

JAKARTA - PT Bintang Samudera Mandiri Lines Tbk (BSML) recorded profit growth in 2023, but the dividend set up for the fiscal year 2023 remains unchanged. The issuer reportedly will pay cash dividends to shareholders as per recording date on April 29.

In the Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders quoted Friday (19/4), Pramayari, Corporate Secretary of BSML, confirmed that the shareholders approved the allocation of 2023 net profit of IDR 17.07 billion to cash dividend of IDR 3 billion and the remaining IDR 14.07 billion as retained earnings.

In 2023, this company booked revenue of IDR 317.05 billion and gross profit of IDR 46.07 billion. Retained earnings clocked up to IDR 45.94 billion, while its total equity was worth a total of IDR 123.53 billion. Freight charter line contributed IDR 238.91 billion to the revenue, while time charter segment turned in IDR 78.14 billion.

Last year, this shipping company distributed dividend of the fiscal year 2022 of IDR 3 billion or IDR 1.62 per share, taken out of its net profit of IDR 16.02 billion. At that time, retained earnings were still at IDR 31.86 billion, and its total equity reached IDR 108.59 billion. (LK/ZH)