SDPC - PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk

Rp 131

-2 (-2,00%)

JAKARTA. PT Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk (SDPC) has increased its capital investment in one of its subsidiaries, PT Digital Pharma Andalan Indonesia (DPAI).

Ahmad bin Abu Bakar, President Director of SDPC, mentioned that said capital investment is granted regarding its plan to raise the company’s authorised capital to IDR 5 trillion, as well as its issued and paid-up capital to IDR 4.1 trillion. Previously, authorised capital only reached IDR 1 trillion, while issued and paid-up capital clocked up to IDR 250 million.

For the record, this capital investment changes the portion of SDPC in DPAI to 99.94%. Prior to this, until March 31, 2024, the company was reported claiming 99.99% of DPAI’s shares, and the remaining percentage belonged to Joefly Joesoef Bahroeny.

DPAI is a business entity engaged in the software development and trading. It was established on May 9, 2023, with DPAI recording total assets of IDR 1.14 billion as of March 31, 2024. (KR/ZH)