JAKARTA. The Indonesian government will once again conduct an auction of Government Securities (lit. Surat Utang Negara/SUN) next Tuesday (11/6) with an indicated target of IDR 22 trillion.

There will be 7 series of SUN auctioned off, consisting of 2 series of Treasury Notes (lit. Surat Perbendaharaan Negara/SPN) and 5 series of Government Bonds (lit. Obligasi Negara/ON).

Both SPN series will be offered with a coupon rate in the form of discounts. Meanwhile, ON series is offered with a coupon ranging from 6.62% to 7.12%.

The auction will take place using the auctioning system of Bank Indonesia. All interested parties may submit their bids in the auction through primary dealers authorised by the Minister of Finance.

Throughout the second quarter (Q2) of 2024, Indonesian government has conducted 3 SUN auctions. The awarded amount totalled IDR 64.86 trillion. (KR/ZH)