JAKARTA – Foreign debts were recorded declining 1.5% to USD 398.33 billion as of April 2024 from USD 404.55 billion in April 2023. Compared to March 2024’s debts, of USD 404.83 billion, the debt went down 1.6%.

In the press release quoted Friday (14/56), Erwin Haryono, Assistant Governor of Department of Communication of Bank Indonesia (BI), mentioned that foreign debt decline resulted from public and private sector.

The government and central bank debts were reported at USD 203.09 billion as of April 2024, down from USD 206.81 billion in March 2024. Furthermore, private sector’s debts shrank to USD 195.24 billion in April 2024 from USD 197.97 billion in March 2024.

“Foreign debts of the government and central bank in April 2024 clocked up to USD 189.1 billion and USD 13.99 billion, respectively, down from USD 192.2 billion and USD 14.61 billion in March 2024, respectively,” Haryono said.

In April 2023, government and central bank’s debts were at USD 194.05 billion and USD 9.42 billion, respectively, followed by private sectors’ debts of USD 201.08 billion.

It is said that the foreign debt structure remains solid with the support of prudent principles in its management. The ratio of foreign debt to gross domestic products shifted down to 29.1% in April 2024 from 29.3% in March 2024.

“In order to keep foreign debt structure healthy, the government and Bank Indonesia will improve the coordination in monitoring foreign debt development trend,” added Haryono. (LK/ZH)