TAPG - PT. Triputra Agro Persada Tbk

Rp 790

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JAKARTA - PT Triputra Agro Persada Tbk (TAPG) works with Aisin Takaoka Co, Ltd to produce biocoke from palm shells in Indonesia.

Tjandra Karya Hermanto, President Director of TAPG, mentioned that he will fully support joint venture establishment with Aisin Takaoka. “Joint venture is targeted to produce biocoke in the second half of 2025 to meet global biocoke needs,” he said in the press release quoted Monday (24/6).

According to Hermanto, partnership with Aisin Takaoka is in line with its sustainability commitment in achieving carbon neutral in 2036. The company is known to have commercially operated Biogas Power Plant fuelled by palm liquid waste for kernel crushing plant (KCP) in 2023.

On the other hand, Makoto Okuda, President of Aisin Takaoka, mentioned that the utilisation of palm shell biocoke will replace the entire biocoke coal utilisation in the industry, without lowering the quality of fuel.

Palm shell biocoke is an innovation born from research and development of Aisin Takaoka. This biocoke production will be an alternative fuel for foundry industry, which has been using coking coals. (LK/ZH)