PTPP - PT. Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk

Rp 256

-12 (-4,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) will issue Shelf-Registration Bond IV Phase I Year 2024 of IDR 434.62 billion. The bond offering will take place next Wednesday (26/6), followed by the listing on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) next week (1/7).

In the issued prospectus quoted Tuesday (25/6), the bond issuance proceeds will be used to pay some of the principal of Series A of Bonds III Phase I Year 2021 worth IDR 430.29 billion. The total principal of said bond is IDR 850 billion, with an interest rate of 8.50% per annum (p.a.), and will mature on July 2, 2024. The remaining IDR 419.70 billion will be paid using internal cash of the company.

The bond is equipped with an interest rate of 10.25% p.a. for three years. The lead underwriters consist of PT BNI Sekuritas of 17.26%, PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas of 17.33%, PT Mandiri Sekuritas of 48.96%, PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia of 0.01%, and PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (TRMS) 2.43%. Lastly, assigned joint underwriters include PT Bahana Sekuritas 11.50%, PT BCA Sekuritas 0.21%, and PT Korea Investment and Sekuritas Indonesia 2.30%. (LK/ZH)