PMMP to hold rights issue of 905.90 million shares

JAKARTA - PT Panca Mitra Multiperdana Tbk (PMMP) will hold a rights issue of a maximum 905.90 million shares of IDR 100 each.
In the information disclosure quoted Wednesday (26/6), this corporate action plan will first have to obtain approval from shareholders next Friday (28/6). The proceeds gained from this corporate action will then be used to purchase raw shrimps.
As of now, PMMP’s authorised capital clocks up to IDR 800 billion, followed by issued and paid-up capital of IDR 258.83 billion, and the stock in portfolio is worth IDR 541.17 billion.
Shareholder structure consists of PT Tiga Makin Jaya of 39.09%, Soesilo Soebardjo of 22.41%, Martinus Soesilo of 7.73%, PT Harapan Bangsa Kita of 7.27%, Hirawan Tedjokoesoemo of 0.77%, and the public of 22.73%.
Assuming that all shareholders participate in this upcoming plan, there will be no additional investors. The issued and paid-up capital will rise to IDR 349.42 billion, and the stock in portfolio will shrink to IDR 450.57 billion. (LK/ZH)