TLKM - PT. Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Rp 2.410

+10 (+0,42%)

JAKARTA - PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel), a subsidiary of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (TLKM), completes the transfer of 850 indoor infrastructures to PT Dhost Telekomunikasi Nusantara (DTN).

In the information disclosure quoted Friday (28/6), Octavius Oky Prakarsa, VP Investor Relations of TLKM, confirmed that Telkomsel has sold 850 indoor infrastructures and lease back 689 indoor infrastructures for IDR 685 billion. “This transaction is intended to reinforce Telkomsel’s position as the provider of digital telecommunication service,” he added.

According to Prakarsa, the transaction is in line with the trend in telecommunication industry, in which telecommunication operator will unlock assets through this sale-and-lease-back scheme, whilst focusing on core business development.

Furthermore, this indoor infrastructure divest-and-lease-back is meant for Telkomsel to optimise its infrastructures better in order to enhance satisfactory indoor service for greater profitability. (LK/ZH)