RMK Energi readies cash dividend of IDR 30.63 billion

JAKARTA. PT RMK Energi Tbk (RMKE), a company engaged in coal transportation business, is planning cash dividend distribution of IDR 30.63 billion taken out of 2023 net profit.
Said plan went in accordance with the result of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of RMKE held earlier today (28/6). In this meeting, shareholders agreed to allocate 10.11% of its 2023 net profit as cash dividend.
RMKE’s cash dividend will be distributed to shareholders listed by the recording date on July 10, 2024. The cash dividend payment is then scheduled on August 1, 2024.
Aside from dividend allocation, shareholders of RMKE also approved changes in its management, appointing Jennifer Angeline as Director of Finance. This decision, added the management, is a strategic measure to involve professionals competent in their field in order to improve performance and value of RMKE.
“With top human resource, operational performance that has significantly improved following conducive weather, as well as opportunities for diversification of operational geographical area outside South Sumatra, we are becoming more optimistic in maintaining sustainable financial performance,” said Vincent Saputra, President Director of RMKE, in its official disclosure.
At today’s (28/6) session, RMKE went up 0.93% or 5 points to IDR 540 per share. Since the beginning of this year, its price has actually shrunk 60 points or 10%. (KR/ZH)