Planning rights issue, IBK Bank eyes IDR 1.17 trillion

JAKARTA - PT IBK Bank Indonesia Tbk (AGRS) seeks extra capital of IDR 1.17 trillion in a rights issue of 11.70 billion shares at max, offering for IDR 100 each. This corporate action will take place starting from next week (12/7) until July 25.
In the issued prospectus quoted Monday (1/7), it is said that as of now, IBK Bank’s authorised capital is at IDR 6 trillion, issued and paid-up capital reaches IDR 3.77 trillion, treasury stock of IDR 2.01 billion, and stock in portfolio of IDR 2.22 trillion.
The shareholders consist of Industrial Bank of Korea (IBK) of 93.24%, the public of 5.61%, PT Bumi Indawa Niaga (BIN) 0.75%, and PT Anugrah Cipta Mould Indonesia (ACMI) 0.35%.
Assuming that all shareholders take part in this upcoming rights issue, AGRS’s issued and paid-up capital will rise to IDR 4.94 trillion. Shareholder structure will then change to IBK of 91.39%, the public of 7.48%, BIN of 0.74%, and ACMI 0.35%. The stock in portfolio will also shrink to IDR 1.05 trillion.
Two main shareholders of AGRS, IBK and BIN, declared their commitment to take over 10 billion and 80 million new shares, respectively. Old shareholders that do not exercise their rights in this corporate action will have their portions diluted by 23.65%. (LK/ZH)