JAKARTA. PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) or Pelni is planning to acquire 3 units of new passenger boats after obtaining state equity participation (lit. Penyertaan Modal Negara/PMN) of IDR 1.5 trillion.

Tri Andayani, President Director of Pelni, mentioned that said plan is in line with the increased public’s interest towards marine transportation modes.

“We will ensure that the utilisation is carried out under proper and legal governance,” said Andayani in the official statement.

Prior to this, the decision regarding PMN for Pelni had been announced during the Working Meeting of Commission XI of DPR RI along with the Ministry of Finance and several SOE executives. In this meeting, the parties agreed to allocate PMN after considering some of Pelni’s boats have exceeded 30 years of age.

It is worth mentioning that these 3 new vessels will be acquired gradually within the next years. The proposed payment scheme for Pelni’s new ferries is through PMN.

“The government’s involvement in this decision reflects the government’s concern in boosting national economic growth and provide justice for all the people that allows them to access proper, safe, and comfortable transportation service,” concluded Andayani. (KR/ZH)