Incoming bids in yesterday's sukuk auction hit IDR 27.7 trillion

JAKARTA. Total incoming bids submitted for Government Sharia Securities (lit. Surat Berharga Syariah Negara/SBSN) in yesterday's (16/7) auction were reported reaching IDR 27.7 trillion, according to the Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance.
There were 7 series of state sukuk offered in this round of auction, consisting of 2 Sharia Treasury Notes (Surat Perbendaharaan Negara – Syariah/SPNS) and 5 PBS (Project Based Sukuk).
SPNS01042025 recorded the highest amount of bids, totalling IDR 3.33 trillion. In the meantime, for PBS series, the highest incoming bids were seen directed to PBS032, reaching IDR 9.92 trillion.
"Total awarded amount from these 7 offered series clocks up to IDR 10 trillion," said DJPPR of the Ministry of Finance in the official statement.
According to IDNFinancials data, this is the second state sukuk auction held by the government in the second half of 2024. Prior to this, on July 2, the government reported awarded amount of IDR 7.18 trillion from another sukuk auction.
Therefore, total incoming bids in state sukuk auction throughout H2 2024 so far reach IDR 34.32 trillion, with total awarded amount recorded at IDR 15.23 trillion. (KR/ZH)