Declining market cap, SIDO still listed under 3 categories of Indeks52

JAKARTA - Although got dropped from Big Market Capitalisation category of Indeks52 post-evaluation, PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) still maintain its position in three other categories, namely Main Index, High Growth, and High Dividend.
SIDO’s market cap has indeed evidently shrunken from IDR 21 trillion last year to IDR 18.6 trillion as of March 2024. However, its stock remains popular, recording average daily transaction frequency and volume of 5,119 transactions and 9.2 million shares, further supported by 181.5 thousand of shareholders and free float of 22.4%.
In addition, its net profit compound annual growth rate (CAGR) remains quite stable at 3.31%, whereas its dividend yields remain relatively stagnant at 4%, bringing average dividend yield within the past 5 years to 4.36%.
Post-evaluation, Indeks Tempo-IDNFinancials 52 takes out 23 old issuers and lists 11 new issuers, thus leading to total constituents of 84 issuers.
Indeks52 was first launched on June 23, 2023, involving publicly listed companies from various industry sectors, including energy, infrastructure, property, modern retail, mineral and coal mining, as well as healthcare.
This index is projected to be one of reliable indices that could act as an alternative reference for retail investors in starting their stock investment journey in the capital market by giving spotlights to high-quality stocks. (ZH)