SMDR listed under High Dividend category of Indeks Tempo-IDNFinancials 52

JAKARTA. PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk (SMDR), a transportation and logistics company with the second highest market capitalisation, is securing its spot at Indeks Tempo-IDNFinancials 52 under High Dividend category.
Said position is given to SMDR during Malam Apresiasi Emiten Indeks52 that is held on July 26, 2024, following the evaluation of constituents listed under Indeks52.
According to IDNFinancials data, SMDR is a company that regularly distributes dividends each year since 2010. In 2023, SMDR distributed cash dividend of IDR 16 per share or IDR 262 billion in total.
Dividend yield of SMDR in 2023 was reported at 1.10%, while its average dividend yield for the past 5 years is 3.53%.
SMDR's market capitalisation as of July 23, 2024, was reported at IDR 5.01 trillion, right at the bottom of 84 issuers of Indeks52. However, among other transportation and logistics companies publicly listed on the board, its market capitalisation is the second highest, losing only to PT Temas Tbk (TMAS). (KR/ZH)