BI assessment on national economic growth in line with IMF projection

JAKARTA – Bank Indonesia (BI) mentions that the assessment of Indonesia’s economic growth aligns with the projection made by International Monetary Fund (IMF) at 5% in 2024 and 5.1% in 2025. This situation was announced by Erwin Haryono, Assistant Governor of Department of Communication of BI in Jakarta, today (8/8).
In the press release, Haryono said that the national economy continues to flourish and show resilience amidst global challenges.
“Bank Indonesia will improve policy coordination with the government in order to mitigate risks of global uncertainty through maintaining independency in achieving the mandate of the laws,” Haryono added.
In addition, BI will urge monetary and fiscal policy to be enhanced in order to maintain macroeconomic and financial stability.
As is known, IMF projects Indonesia’s economy to remain superior amidst several risks to look out for, including volatility of commodity prices, declining growth of primary trade partner countries, and spillover due to higher-for-longer condition in global financial situation.
This international financing institution recommends prudence in fiscal policy whilst appreciating the monetary policy stance. It also encourages to continue the reformation in order to retain financial sector resilience so that Indonesia may attain higher growth, enabling the country to achieve the vision of 2045 Golden Indonesia. (LK/ZH)